Snow, Skiing, Satire
This is obviously not a true anotomically correct picture of the Giacomo parents... My eyes aren't that big...
This was a bleak year for snow. We were forced to pillage yellow snow from around yonder. Perhaps next year a blizzard will afford us sturdy enough snow to get the arms, mouths, and eh hems the correct width, depth and height.
Note: no snow people were harmed during this recreation although a neighbor did say 30 hail Mary's.
We did a little skiing this year with our friends the Fishers. Perhaps the funniest that happened was the 6' 15" Mr. Fisher wears the same size ski as 4' Isabella Giacomo. The lift operator tried to convince Benton to save money and just use his Chuck Taylor's.
Alan is a dumb middle name (and yes it's mine, so what??) A better middle name for me that also starts with A should be Alcohol. A true marriage made in heaven. Or at least in a brewery.
To that end, I banished all four kids to this hardened enclosure made of fiber board and shamrock beads. They were not to be released until they properly memorized the beers of all 7 days of the week. They received extra credit for knowing the beer of the day on Grunsday.
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