Catherine, Isabella, Mia, Joe and me

Monday, June 19, 2006


You gotta love carnival folk... I asked Rev. Bob who was running this ride what he did during the winter months. He pointed at the bench near by and said he sleeps there with a six pack of beer. Unfortunately this was told to me after he let my child pulll 3 Gs.

More pics of the kids at the Waterfront festival...

And then there is... Joe.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Paparazzi attacked!

Paparazzi comes across 5 year old who brilliantly trapped herself in an infant swing... Girl is obviously crazed but paparazzi needs money for new Bruno Magli shoes...

Crazed 5 year old lashes out at paparazzi like Alec Baldwin outside of Nobu...

Paparazzi recovering but still shaken...

Friday, June 02, 2006

Male chauvinists - UNITE!

Joe, have fun now because it ain't gonna last...

Told ya

Like a rhinestone cowboy

"Dear Phillip Morris, in an effort to draw in younger smokers, perhaps you should find a younger Marlboro Man. Please see attached photo."

New Keith Richards

Poor Isabella. This shot was after another night of binge drinking. She can play that axe though. Right after this was taken she did a flying leap off the chalk board and then put the guitar through Mr. Potato Head's head.

It's your generation baby...

New toy for our cement pond

We don't actually launch this thing. We spent $8k on this merely as a photo prop.

Actually both the girls drive this now. There's nothing more comforting to boaters than seeing a 7 year doing 63 mph (that's about 55 knots for you sea faring folks). But since most of them are crabbers who plant their pots as if they were land mines in Angola I really don't care.

Mia graduates

Cailin, Mia, and Reese are pretty tight. Mia even got an honorable mention at Reese's dinner table the other night. I have no idea who the Shim is behind them picking his/her eye booger.

A good way to see Christmas skipped

I'm sure the father behind the camera is sporting a mullet, acid washed jeans, and a black Winger t-shirt. I also bet he got Roshambo'd the moment these arrived from Fotomat.